A fresh start: tips for refreshing your brand identity

min. read
October 4, 2023
Updating a brand's identity is an essential aspect of its growth and development. This process helps the brand to remain relevant, attract new customers, and maintain the loyalty of existing ones.

It is crucial to assess the need for rebranding and choose the right moment when it fits into your overall business strategy. Here is a list of reasons why rebranding may be necessary for your business:

The need for an updated brand identity

Design and technology trends are evolving rapidly, and an outdated identity can hinder sales and growth.

Repositioning in the market

If a brand refocuses on a new product, location, or price segment, its identity must also change to reflect these changes.

A new philosophy

Changes in a brand's concept, mission, and values may require a reassessment of its identity.

For example, our client Markel Cosmetics required a rebrand due to the expansion of their target market and a change in positioning. We were tasked with developing a new logo, brand identity and packaging. Check out Markel case study for more details >

Markel Cosmetics. Urban detox

Identifying the reason for rebranding will help you choose the most suitable strategy. There are two major types of rebranding strategies: complete rebrand and brand refresh. Partial rebranding is effective for well-established businesses that want to retain brand loyalty while refreshing their identity, services, or marketplace.

Once you understand which strategy is more effective for your company, take these steps to bring your plan to life:

1. Explore the current corporate identity:

Analyze the current state of the brand and evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.

2. Define the purpose and values of the brand:

Determine what you want to achieve with the new style and what image your brand should produce for the audience.

3. Analyze the market and competitors:

Study the market and your competitors to understand what changes can be beneficial for your brand.

4. Create new corporate identity elements:

Develop new elements of corporate identity that reflect the updated values and image of your brand.

5. Update your marketing materials:

Ensure that all marketing materials correspond to the new look of the brand and create a unified impression.6. Evaluate and adapt:Regularly evaluate the results of the new corporate identity and make necessary adjustments.

Rebranding is a continuous process that must adapt and develop together with your brand. Be ready for changes and constantly improve your corporate identity to remain relevant and attractive in the market.

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